Darryl Anka

Season 2, Episode 1

Darryl Anka

In this episode discussion of telepathy and ET communication leads to a synchronistic and supernatural event that has become a common theme to the show. On two separate occasions in 1973 Darryl Anka witnessed close range UFOs. He became curious about UFOs and paranormal phenomena and through his research, Darryl learned of channeling. After experiencing a telepathic message from an ET who called himself Bashar, he realized that Bashar’s ship was the one he had seen ten years earlier. The rest is history, as he opened his connection up to the public for question after question. Join Darryl and Reuben for the second season opener of Interview with E.D.

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Release Date

March 03, 2020


Vimeo, GaiaTV

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Join Reuben as he Interviews Extra-Dimensionals and gains other-worldly perspective on who we are, why we’re here, and just where we might be going.

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