Gita Rose
Season 2, Episode 24 & 25
Interview with Gita Rose
Gita Rose is an actress and artist guided to vocal channeling through a series of synchronistic events over the course of about a decade. A magic filled journey to rediscover her star family led her to a Yahyel being she would later come to know as Bella, who Gita has been channeling regularly now for several years. Early on the journey Gita was guided to Hawaii where she learned from locals, as well as dolphin and whales, to prepare her for making contact with various extraterrestrial species. In this episode Reuben meets with Gita at the Coco Wasi retreat Center on the Big Island of Hawaii immediately following an ETA Contact Retreat to learn about key moments on her channeling journey. “We have “alien” contact all the time. Aspects of the “Self” see the “Other” as something very foreign. When we embrace the mirror of any loving contact, we feel the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. We then know the only way to choose love, is to know thyself. “ – Gita Rose
Gita's Website

Interview with Bella of The YahYel
Gita Rose is an actress and artist guided to vocal channeling through a series of synchronistic events over the course of about a decade. A magic filled journey to rediscover her star family led her to a Yahyel being she would later come to know as Bella, who Gita has been channeling regularly now for several years. Early on the journey Gita was guided to Hawaii where she learned from locals, as well as dolphin and whales, to prepare her for making contact with various extraterrestrial species. “We have “alien” contact all the time. Aspects of the “Self” see the “Other” as something very foreign. When we embrace the mirror of any loving contact, we feel the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. We then know the only way to choose love, is to know thyself. “ – Gita Rose

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