Leigh McCloskey
Season 2, Episode 9 & 10
Archetypes of E.D. Part I
In part 1 of this interview, Reuben visits “Olandar,” the Malibu home of artist, author, actor and visual philosopher Leigh McCloskey, to discuss the archetypes of Extra Dimensionals. Leigh starred in many television shows and movies throughout the years, but the magic comes from his being a modern-day wizard. In his incredible home library, Leigh and Reuben have a far out conversation about the nature of reality. Leigh has lived a life dedicated to the exploration of the archetypal and hidden aspects of the psyche through his art and experiences as a professional actor for many years. He is the author and artist of seven books and numerous essays. In TAROT ReVISIONed Leigh has created an entirely new and unique series of drawings representing the twenty-two archetypes of the Major Arcana of the Tarot. His other writings and art combine a thorough knowledge of arcane wisdom, depth psychology and mythic imagination. He is the founder of Olandar Foundation for Emerging Renaissance (OFFER) and his goal is to seed imaginative and creative renaissance within the ever-evolving story of psyche & soul and the artistry of consciousness.
Leigh's Website

Archetypes of E.D. Part II
In part 2 of this interview, Reuben visits “Olandar,” the Malibu home of artist, author, actor and visual philosopher Leigh McCloskey, to discuss the archetypes of Extra Dimensionals. Leigh starred in many television shows and movies throughout the years, but the magic comes from his being a modern-day wizard. In his incredible home library, Leigh and Reuben have a far out conversation about the nature of reality. Leigh has lived a life dedicated to the exploration of the archetypal and hidden aspects of the psyche through his art and experiences as a professional actor for many years. He is the author and artist of seven books and numerous essays. In TAROT ReVISIONed Leigh has created an entirely new and unique series of drawings representing the twenty-two archetypes of the Major Arcana of the Tarot. His other writings and art combine a thorough knowledge of arcane wisdom, depth psychology and mythic imagination. He is the founder of Olandar Foundation for Emerging Renaissance (OFFER) and his goal is to seed imaginative and creative renaissance within the ever-evolving story of psyche & soul and the artistry of consciousness.

Release Date
April 7, 2020
Vimeo, GaiaTV
Preview the Episodes
THOTHS Library with Leigh McCloskey
Adam Reborn & Eve Restored: A Romance
Gabe & Nuut: An Ancient Love Story
Join Reuben as he Interviews Extra-Dimensionals and gains other-worldly perspective on who we are, why we’re here, and just where we might be going.
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