Light Language
Season 3, Episode 1
What is Light Language?
In this Episode Reuben hangs out with an outstanding group of folks and learns how they can speak Light Language as well as draw or write it as code or inscription. Reuben Introduces Rica Amane, a Light Language Interpreter from Japan. Together with the group of Light Language speakers AKA team Light Language, Rica translates the light language to Japanese which reuben then translates to english…. and what we discover is truly out of this world! Join Reuben on a journey to understand the wonder of Light Language from the people who channel it.
Team Light Language
Bobbie Stelling Harry Stelling Soliteir Jaeger Michele Elkie Ronald Holt Rica Amane
Special Thanks To
Lyssa Royal Holt Adele Sands Jane Reading Tash ιΎδΈ»

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