Lyssa Royal Holt
Season 1, Episodes 18 - 21
Lyssa Royal Holt
Lyssa Royal Holt has been a seminar leader, channel, and author since 1985. She is the co-director, with her husband Ronald Holt, of Seed of Life Institute LLC and the SOLi School, an organization whose primary purpose is to assist individuals to understand the nature of consciousness and to put this understanding into practice in daily life – providing a road map to the process of realizing the true Awareness beyond the human identity. Lyssa began her training and teaching in the mid-1980s. She was first formally trained as a trance channel by a well known and respected channel in Los Angeles. The approach to her training was psychological in nature, because doctoral candidates at UCLA were studying the process of channeling as it relates to personality integration and development, and her teacher was part of the research program. Because of this approach and her B.A. in psychology, Lyssa learned channeling from the point-of-view that it could be a tool for spiritual evolution as channels learn to work with their egos so that it would not interfere in the channeling process. This profound method of learning to channel influences the way she teaches the skill today – as a tool for personal and spiritual evolution. While Lyssa still trance channels today, she also teaches in a consciously-connected state in which her higher awareness communicates through her “human self” as she teaches – a skill that has been honed for more than 25 years. Lyssa is most known for her in depth explorations of the nature of extraterrestrial consciousness and how it impacts human evolution. Her books The Prism of Lyra, Visitors from Within, Preparing for Contact, and Millennium, are classics in the field of channeled literature, as well as her newly-released Galactic Heritage Cards — a one-of-a-kind set of 108 inspirational cards based on the cosmology she introduces in her classic book The Prism of Lyra. She also has an extensive library of audio material based on her work since the late 1980s. She has been interviewed on TV and radio around the globe (including most recently by the Discovery Channel, and Shirley MacLaine’s radio show), and has appeared in countless magazine articles over the last 2+ decades. At present, Lyssa works extensively in Japan and has done so since 1990. She also offers courses in North America and Europe as time allows. Sometimes she offers private consultations as well. She also works from time-to-time with her husband Ronald Holt, combining her intuitive and channeling work with his expertise in the fields of sacred geometry, meditation, yoga and martial arts, and much more. Lyssa is also a certified teacher of Taoist yoga (Korean Sundoh style) and a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-500) at the master educational level of 500 hours. Over the many years of her work she has found that working with the body is a key element in spiritual evolution and growth. Thus, her courses often seek to balance not just mind, emotions and spirit, but body as well. No matter the course, whether dealing with extraterrestrial consciousness, yoga, or spiritual awareness in general, the practical application of all that she offers is of utmost priority to her. She lives in Arizona, USA with her husband Ronald Holt.
Lyssa's Website

In this episode Reuben Speaks with Sasha, a 4th density Pleiadian being. Sasha is channeled by Lyssa Royal Holt who has been channeling her for almost 3 decades. Sasha discuss her species evolution to 4th density, time travel, worm holes, and many other cosmic topics.
Once again Reuben sits down with Lyssa Royal Holt and Sasha, the 4th density Pleiadian. This time they are in Japan and Reuben attended Lyssa’s Annual Contact Retreat. Reuben Follows up his first interview with questions about the Pleiadian history and Free will. Also included are some highlights from the retreat.
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