Micheila Sheldan
Season 1, Episode 8 & 9
Micheila Sheldan
The conversation also gives us a glimpse into a book that Micheila Sheldan has been channeling through a variety of collective entities entitled, “Encapsulating the Human Soul as One: Lessons from the 9th Dimensional Energies in Universal Harmony”. The channeled work is still in progress and Micheila has been told it is coming in alignment with the planetary energies and earth’s ascension timeline. Micheila Sheldan is an intuitive channel who is a primarily clairaudient and able to channel a variety of Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters, Interdimensional Beings and Collectives to answer questions about our history, current challenges and where we are headed in the future. Micheila also serves as Executive Director of the Flower of Life Center, an organization focused on raising human consciousness. She works closely with its members and committees to evolve consciousness through many vehicles that promote positive growth and change, including the organization’s international event, the Awake and Empowered Expo. Micheila also runs the Flower of Life Conscious Youth Program for kids ages 9 to 18.
Micheila's Website

The 9th Dimensional Lumurian Collective & The Council of Light
In this Episode, Reuben discusses with 2 different collective energies “The 9th Dimensional Lumurian Collective” & “The Council of Light” about their role in repairing the Universal Matrix Grid. They reveal pieces of human history and aspects of the reptilian agenda.
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Join Reuben as he Interviews Extra-Dimensionals and gains other-worldly perspective on who we are, why we’re here, and just where we might be going.
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