Rob Gauthier & TReb Bor yit-NE, a benevolent reptilian hybrid
Join us for an electrifying session with Rob Gauthier, renowned channeler of the fifth-density reptilian-human hybrid TReb Bor yit-Ne, recorded on July 3, 2022. Hosted by Reuben Langdon, this episode dives into Rob’s journey from skepticism to full-time channeling, the explosive growth of his community since Interview with E.D., and the cosmic insights of TReb. From collective trauma to personal sovereignty, we explore how humanity is navigating this wild transition with extraterrestrial guidance.
The second half features TReb himself, answering audience questions about benevolent reptilians, dream-state co-creations, dragon energy, and the deeper meaning of success and failure. Whether you’re new to channeling or a seasoned explorer, this episode offers profound nuggets of wisdom and practical tips for connecting with higher consciousness.
- 00:00 - Welcome Rob: Catching Up After 7 Years
- 00:10:00 - Gaia Release Impact & Community Growth
- 00:20:00 - UFO Disclosure and Collective Trauma
- 00:37:00 - Audience Q&A with Rob: Channeling Tips
- 01:01:00 - TReb Arrives: Reptilian Insights Begin
- 01:09:00 - Q&A with TReb: Dreams, Symbols, and Sovereignty
- 01:46:00 - Wrap-Up: Rob’s Radio Show & Future Plans
Rob Gauthier - The E.T. Whisperer
Rob Gauthier, dubbed "The E.T. Whisperer," is an internationally recognized channeler, radio host, and spiritual teacher. He is best known for his profound connections with TReb Bor yit-Ne, a benevolent reptilian hybrid from the Capella star system, Aridif, an ancient Pleiadian, and the archangel Metatron, alongside a diverse array of other extraterrestrial and multidimensional beings.
As a child, Rob exhibited psychic abilities that faded over time. In 2007, seeking to reclaim his path, he attended a spiritualist church where local psychics helped him rediscover that his childhood experiences were far more than imagination. Through meditation and the Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience, Rob honed his skills, eventually forging deep bonds with TReb, Aridif, Metatron, and others. These connections continue to expand his perception, offering transformative insights into the unseen realms of consciousness.
This session was Originally recorded July 3rd, 2022
Watch original Episode where Reuben Interviews Rob & Treb
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