Xi Earthstar
Season 3, Episode 5
Portal Xi Earthstar
Xi is a vessel for evolutionary angelic consciousness, and Oracle of the Mother of Creation. She shares sacred soul medicine via the arts of oracular singing, weaving and multi-dimensional energy work. Oracular Sound Medicine is both an ancient and newly evolving form of sound healing, which incorporates shamanic energy work with direct transmissions from Angelic, Mystical and Divine realms. It inspires a profound, Soul level experience of Remembrance, and can bring palpable effects of healing and clearing, akin to various plant medicines. This Quantum medicine is transmitted and accessed through Vibration and Frequency, accessible in any now or future moments in time. In this interview Reuben Journeys to the Earthstar Sanctuary, a remote parcel of land in North West New Mexico. Xi shares her incredible journey on how she became the custodian of the land and her mission to turn it into a cosmic healing sanctuary for those in need of processing traumas and making galactic connections.
Xi's WebsiteRelease Date
October 1, 2021
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Join Reuben as he Interviews Extra-Dimensionals and gains other-worldly perspective on who we are, why we’re here, and just where we might be going.
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