Zack & Bill
Season 3, Episode 24
Zack Meyers
In this Interview Reuben meets up with Zack Meyers. Like Reuben, Zack is a curious guy looking out onto the horizon for new ideas, worlds, and concepts, working to create a bridge to bring them into our world. Zack and Reuben have been collaborating on the music for Season 3 of Interview with E.D. In this interview, they discuss how that music was created and other new projects that Zack has been working on. Zack Meyers is a futurist and generally curious human. his work is blend of art, music, science, and technology. formerly a pop producer and tv composer (2004-2011), Zack expanded into the tech landscape as he co-founded zapt, crushee, and seekur, innovative platforms exploring gaming, social networking, and peer-to-peer experiences (2010-2017). Today, Zack channels his talent into tech-centric creative endeavors, with a focus on A.I. and futurism. an explorer at heart, Zack continuously seeks intersections where technology and creativity meet.
Zack's Website

Conversations with AI
In this Episode Reuben Sits down again with Zack Meyers and his friend Bill Scott. Together Zack and Bill wrote a book with the assistance of an AI and are calling it Conversations with AI. In the interview they discuss how the book came together and even ask it some questions which give some interesting answers, especially for those familiar with the show. Bill Scott is the creator of BrainPaint which is a biofeedback methodology for helping people with various physical and physiological health issues. In addition to working with AI, Bill and Zack share their journey from working with BrainPaint to more recent work with the exploration of fractal worlds in computer programs and bring objects with strange geometry and properties into our own world through 3D printing.
Find out more about BrainPaint and Bill's workBill Scott - BrainPaint
Association five times, and presented research at the American Association for the Advancement of Science as Principal Investigator of a UCLA study. In 1993, Bill also worked as Principal Investigator and first author of an addiction research project with Dr. Eugene Peniston. The Psychiatric Times published a feature article interviewing Bill about this landmark study. The Scott-Peniston protocols are still referred to by the names of the original scientists. Bill has been published in the January 2000 issue of Clinical Electroencephalography (EEG), and the September 2011 issue of Journal of Neurotherapy. He has taught more than 3,000 neurofeedback practitioners around the globe since 1995, and continues his research and innovative developments in the field of EEG Biofeedback as CEO of BrainPaint®. Bill was selected as a Healthcare Transformer by StartUp Health in 2012.
Find out more about BrainPaint and Bill's work

Release Date
May 30, 2023

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Join Reuben as he Interviews Extra-Dimensionals and gains other-worldly perspective on who we are, why we’re here, and just where we might be going.
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